Chlamydia Testing is essential for any bird owner, breeder, or avian enthusiast concerned about their birds well-being. This test identifies Chlamydia infections, allowing for timely and appropriate treatment.
1. Targets Chlamydia organisms, aiding in precise diagnosis.
2. Identifies infections that may pose risks to human health.
3. Our lab tests more than 2500 species of birds
4. More than 99% accuracy results available within 24-48 hours
5. Essential for ensuring the health of breeding birds and their offspring.
Who Is the Right Customer?
This service is perfect for bird owners, breeders, avian enthusiasts, pet shops, zoos, wildlife institutions, hobbyists, and avian conservationists concerned about Chlamydia infections and their zoonotic implications.
Safety and Care
As always, all tests are conducted in a controlled, sterile environment, guaranteeing accurate and reliable results.


Tests Conducted
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for precise Chlamydia detection.
User Requirements
Samples should be labeled with Bird ID/Bird ring number, species name, and the name of the farm and owner.
If users plan to pool up samples for future testing, samples should be stored in airtight bags. Feather samples are usually stable for several weeks.
Sample Type
Blood samples, feather samples, or swab samples.
Sample Quantity
Feathers: 4-6 freshly plucked medium feathers.
Blood: A small blood sample obtained via nail clipping and toe pricking.
Egg Shell: 1-2 small egg shell fragments.
Detailed guidelines for collection are available to download.
Turnaround Time
24-48 hours for results.


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