Our Canine Mite PCR Panel offers a cutting-edge molecular method to identify different species of skin mites that might be affecting your dog. The test is crucial for a timely and accurate diagnosis, which can facilitate the most effective treatment.
1. Utilizes PCR technology for precise identification of skin mites.
2. Diagnosis is the first step towards effective treatment.
3. Results available within 24-48 hours.
4. More than 99% accuracy in results.
Who Is the Right Customer?
This service is vital for dog owners and veterinarians dealing with skin conditions like mange, dermatitis, or unexplained itching in dogs.
Safety and Care
All samples are processed in a controlled, sterile environment to ensure the highest levels of accuracy and safety.


Tests Conducted
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) to identify skin mite DNA.
User Requirements
Must be the dog owner or have the owner's consent.
Sample Type
Blood sample.
Sample Quantity
A small blood sample obtained via venipuncture.
Turnaround Time
24-48 hours for results.


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